It’s surprising the number of investigations currently being undertaken by insurance companies against third party claims. In particular when independent repairers have managed to obtain the repairs from both the at fault and non at fault party.

Let’s face it, the ultimate objective for a panel shop is to secure all parties to an accident.  Unfortunately, independent repairers are today experiencing further aggressive behaviour by insurance companies by stalling third party settlements with investigations. 

What is so surprising that many of the large insurance companies that instigate such investigations are the very ones that openly solicit your clients and do the very thing that you are scrutinised for. Here is an extract of a letter we managed to obtain from a client who was being solicited. 

Based on the circumstances of the incident as advised by our customer, we would like to offer you one of our assessment and repairer options

Clearly the double standard and hypocrisy is mind blowing and should be investigated by the appropriate bodies to determine whether such behaviour is bordering onto restrictive trade. 

In no way should we support the obvious fraud but we do question some of the motives undertaken by insurance companies regarding the investigation of third-party claims. 

Nonetheless, no third-party claim should stall for more than 28 days whether under investigation or not. The obligation to pay a debt is that of the at fault party whether they are insured or not. Its not the obligation of the third party to wait until an investigation is over to determine whether a debt will be paid by the at fault’s insurance company. Unless there is clear evidence to imply fraud, we recommend that the claim proceed as per the Credit Code. 

Additionally, we strongly advise that all at fault parties seek legal advice prior being interviewed by an investigator to avoid misrepresentation and intimidation. 

If you are to be investigated or have been investigated and feel that the investigation was conducted inappropriately, please do not hesitate in contacting FTR for assistance. 

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